Some foreigners fit in, other stand out

GOING NATIVE…TOO MUCH.  A foreigner, an African-American, was seen in the downtown area with his Pinay girlfriend.  But their combination was not the one that turned heads. The foreigner was wearing a native hat. 

While it was indeed Philippine-made, the hat was a replica of the one Filipinos used to wear during the Spanish Era and looked totally out of place in this time and place. Some speculate he was trying a little too hard to fit in.

REAL MEN WEAR PLAID.   Another foreigner, this time a European, was spotted in an uptown mall with his Pinay girlfriend. 

But some people noticed they were both wearing skirts —at least that’s what they thought it was. 

“It’s a kilt!” the Scotsman told some amused onlookers. Others did not understand and laughed.  But the Scotsman did not pay them any heed.


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