Passengers upset when 62-B jeepneys didn't go to Carbon

REROUTING? Many market-bound passengers yesterday raised hell when the jeepney they were riding on didn’t follow its usual Talamban-Carbon route. Instead of traversing through Manalili and proceeding to Carbon, jeepneys with 62-B route cut short its trip and instead made a right turn along D. Jakosalem St. More than half of the passengers who were planning to disembark in Carbon and Sto. Niño Basilica got upset when they were made to disembark along D. Jakosalem St. even when they paid for their trip to Carbon market.

ERASE SIGN. The jeepney conductor said, “O, diri ra ta kutob ha. Dili na puwede molahos sa Carbon.” Passengers got angry and said, “Ngano man nga nibayad man mi hangtod sa Carbon? Kaalkansi gud namo.” The conductor explained that they are not allowed to enter Carbon market anymore and that those who would like to go to Carbon have to ride another jeepney. Another passenger replied, “Kung mao na, papasa na lang ang “Carbon” sa signboard ninyo.”

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