The first Sunday in December is known as the beginning of the liturgical year (the Catholic Church’s New Year) and begins on the Sunday nearest to the Feast of St. Andrew and continues through Christmas Eve, encompassing four Sundays. Advent is derived from the Latin word, Adventus, which means arrival or coming.
The Advent Wreath is the main symbol of this season. It has three purple candles, which symbolize hope (or prophecy), peace and love, and one rose candle, symbolizing joy. The candles are set in a circle of evergreen, which represents eternal life. Another custom during Advent is to sing carols, a favorite being “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”, which anticipates the coming of the Messiah.
Advent is a time for reflection, penance and reconciliation in anticipation of the great Christmas feast. So for the majority of Catholics, this begins a quiet preparation to celebrate the historical birth of Jesus Christ and the hope for the glorious second coming of Christ.
Sixty-six years ago today, the Philippines was bombed and invaded by Japanese Imperial forces. This was preceded by the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Many of the faithful gathered on that fateful morning of December 8 in prayer to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This is the Roman Catholic (Christian) day of celebrating the belief that Mary, mother of Jesus, was preserved from original sin all of her life. What was supposed to be a day of obligation became a day of war and casualty for both Filipinos and Americans.
It is good to remember these events in our history, which defined the courage, dedication and sacrifice of the men who struggled and endured for a positive cause so that we may enjoy the freedom and democracy we have now as a nation. Their deeds will never be forgotten and it is for us, the living, to build upon the great things they have worked for. The Advent Season is a time to reflect and think only of things that are joyful, that gives peace of mind and springs hope. Let those who are bitter and complaining and discontented think on these things and focus on the more important things of life. As we do so, let us direct our minds to Christ our King, and the Lord of this Universe with a joyful hope.