Kung Hei Fat Luck

Ma'am, what's your purpose for this visit to view the kids here? Well, I woke up this morning and thought of visiting an orphanage this Valentine's Day. I don't mind giving away some of my love together with these bananas and pineapples for the kids. The young social worker gave me a perplexed look as she disappeared into another room to ask for permission. Apparently, this orphanage doesn't allow just anyone to view the kids, since they are up for adoption.

Luck must have been on my side that morning as I was allowed to view the toddlers and infants in that orphanage. Yes, view. A group of toddlers were huddled together in an empty room interacting with each other while conscious of some stranger viewing them through the other side of the glass. My forehead rested against the glass pane as my breath fogged up the glass. I stood there muted for a full sixty three seconds before I reverted back to the social worker. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing sensible came out. Who? When? Why?

Initially, I imagined walking in an orphanage, greeted by kids and just hugging them around me. I remember reading a book on choosing puppies. Which one comes to you first or which on gets to your heart first. In any other way, there is human contact. Once upon a time, it was like that. Couples could just walk in and sort of point-and-choose a child to adopt but not anymore. Nowadays, a series of tests are done to ensure a higher probability of cross-matching success in an adoptive parent-child relationship.

The infant section was a different world. These babies are monitored and pampered 24/7 in a controlled environment. All they do is feed, sleep, awake and have their diapers changed. The nice thing about the situation is they are not pressured into performing for their parents. No moms to command them to stand up. They do not have to answer to anyone at that stage in their lives.

These orphans are lucky. Being abandoned or given-up is like having a clean karma slate. No strings attached or ties that bind once the biological parent signs a waiver releasing his/her parental right to claim this child. If only mothers know that they can officially give up their babies in an orphanage instead of leaving babies on trash cans or maltreating them simply because they cannot care for them then the mothers can move on with their lives sans the guilt or negative karma attached to their souls. In short, if you don't want the gift, give it to someone who can appreciate it rather than throwing it away.

Our orphans are indeed lucky to be adopted by foreigners who welcome them with open arms and checkbooks. They don't have to study Nursing as a ticket to going abroad. They have an express ticket to a better life or so. Now, who wouldn't want to have Brad Pitt as their dad, huh?

I've been doing my share of house cleaning in preparation for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Since us, Cebuanos have newly adopted some Koreans into our hometown, the term Chinese sounds selfish now because Koreans also celebrate the Lunar New Year.

I've always wanted to hold a mini music recital at home and I am thankful for this opportunity when I came across a blossoming music school in Guadalupe who teaches music appreciation to kids who are new to music. Since not everyone is ready for a grand recital on stage, they hold a little gathering for their students to practice performing in their mini school. Most of their students are Koreans who are inclined to classical music. What better way to get together with new friends than through music? It's a shame how some locals treat our foreign visitors by robbing and shooting them.

Luck is neither good nor bad. It's always present. It's how you make of it at that moment. Always appreciate luck flowing in our lives. Be ready to receive luck when it comes and be thankful that it has made its course into your life. Be ready to give it away to someone who wants to receive luck into his/her life. Luck, like love, is contagious. Rub elbows and noses with people who believe in luck and love.

Welcome the Year of the Fire Boar! May you be (foot and mouth disease) FMD-free. Kung Hei Fat Luck!

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