Government scared of Catholic Church?

GOVERNMENT VS. CHURCH. The Ear heard coffee shop talks regarding the slow-moving investigation of the priest molestation case versus the female students. One private lawyer was heard telling a friend, "The government can already file a case even if the girls don't know the full name of the priest who allegedly molested them. I bet the government is scared to slug it out with the Catholic Church because it will be an uphill battle for the lawyers. Grabe ang influence sa simbahan. Mahulog na lang na sa limot ang kaso."

DIFFICULT CASE. The same topic was heard at another coffee shop this time between two women in business suits. One woman was heard telling another, "The Catholic Church is always preaching about truth, justice, love. But they are stone-faced when the wrongdoers are from their own flock. Ang government na lang ang mo give up. Kuyawan siguro ang government na gabaan sila or something."

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