Statement — Victory for women

The conviction of Lance Corporal Daniel Smith during the promulgation of the Subic rape case is a victory not only for Nicole but for all women who have been victimized by many forms of violence against women (VAW). Despite attempts of DOJ secretary Raul Gonzalez to impede the progress of the case including the many insinuations hurled against her person, Nicole showed strength to face her attackers in court and stand up for her dignity with the full support of women who continuously struggle against VAW.

We hail Judge Benjamin Pozon for maintaining independence in spite of the apparent insincerity of the Philippine Government through the DOJ to attain justice for Nicole. We commend him not only for the conviction of Smith but also for the order to immediately confine the perpetrator at the Makati City Jail.

We challenge the Arroyo administration to assert custody over Smith and ensure that he serves his sentence here in a Philippine prison. Although Smith's accomplices have unfortunately been acquitted, his conviction is still of historic importance.

This should be an opportunity for the Filipino people to assess the implications of continuing the Visiting Forces Agreement. Not only does it allow the blatant intervention of the United States in our internal affairs, it endangers our women of becoming victims of violence just like Nicole and many others like her. Before Smith, how many perpetrators of sexual abuse have walked free because the government could not assert its sovereignty and implement its laws on erring US soldiers?

Nicole's courage is a beacon for all women who have suffered silently against abuse and discrimination. Her triumph is not only for herself and for women like her, but for upholding Philippine sovereignty. We must junk the VFA and all other interventionist and unilateral agreements for true justice to be obtained.

Kaira Zoe Alburo
Provincial Spokesperson
Gabriela Women's Party

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