Letter to the Editor - Nation-building under a unified citizenry

Not too long ago the accepted philosophy for strength and progress of races and countries alike is unity: Strive for a unified goal, exercise a mission and vision that encompass the well-being of all constituents of a nation. In fact nation-building under a unified citizenry was and still is the preoccupation of our leaders since Manuel Quezon.

And now here comes the proponents of Sugbuak, honorable men and women all from no less than the hallowed halls of Congress espousing that division is better than unification, better for their constituents, better for Cebuanos... best for them and their clan?

What atrocious viruses have invaded their brains compelling them to follow this line of thinking? More than ever they are making it plain and obvious even to the ordinary man in the street that vested interest plays an important role in their decision to push the approval of Sugbuak in Congress. This is the prime interest of staying in power and exercising them in their own turf.

Make no mistake that once Congress (God forbid) approves the Sugbuak, these congressmen and congresswoman will rule their fiefdom with impunity subject only to their conscience. What kind of conscience would that be is speculation I will not dare go into for these are too reprehensible even to the imagination.

Edgardo Dequito

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