Some few minutes of sunshine

With La Niña still breathing off the nippy cold front, mornings awaken with showers in dark and dour mood as the sun appears to have overslept.

That February 20 Monday morning was no different, but it didn't deter the barrio officials and the barrio folk of Cabadiangan, Compostela, from getting primed up for a very significant event to take place at noon. It could be the first occasion in barrio history that the highest VIP in local governance would deign to set foot in the farming village and grace the occasion.

Lest others get it wrong that Cabadiangan is a wild, faraway nowhere, the picturesque valley is only 4 kilometers at its eastern edge in Sitio Grahe. However, skirting along and slithering over the peripheral hillsides farther to negotiate about a half arc of a near circle, Sitio Ilaya where the road used to end, is about 2.7 kilometers away. Reckoned on a direct route across the fertile plain, that is, straight as the crow flies, it's a shade nigh shorter.

Another word of fact, since the "baby boomer" generation (circa 1945-1965) until now, Cabadiangan is not only a virtual paradise setting and a vegetable and agri-bread basket of the town, but also, the proud roots and home of professionals. While the very old folk may be unlettered - but not naïve nor ignorant - their next generations and the present have most been honed in school. Literacy is very high.

Except for the locals, very few higher "politicos", have sallied into this beautiful valley. Others missed a lifetime chance, even if only to commune with Nature - the almost circular plains, the ring of hills, and the river across the left side of its face.

Until that Monday, the only "gobernador" who had set foot in Cabadiangan was Hilario "Dodong" Abellana who, unfortunately, was captured by the "Kempeitai" on perfidy of Filipino "undercovers" in Libo hills. Dodong Abellana and his party just came from Bohol and passing through that day en route to the mountains when he was caught at early dawn.

And now, you guess it, the Monday visitor of Cabadiangan was no less than the Honorable Provincial Governor of Cebu, Hon. Gwendolyn F. Garcia! Call it a miracle of sorts, or just plain coincidence, that the morning until almost noon drizzle and cloudy mood dissipated and, gave way to a very fine afternoon sunshiny weather.

When Gov. Gwen and her party arrived at around 3:00 P.M., it was to the exceedingly warm welcome of the simple barrio folk converging in Sitio Ilaya, who were eagerly awaiting to see the petite and pretty "gobernadora" and, to hear the promised fulfillment of a completely asphalted Cabadiangan Provincial Road.

The always on-the-go lady governor had yet to distribute the Philhealth cards at the "municipio" to the deserving poor of Compostela, and so, she didn't bother to make even a "whistle stop" speech. But, her assurance to improve this year the oldest provincial road in Compostela, that is more than just a farm-to-market link, had the finest ring of sincerity and commitment. To the simple barriohanons, her word is good as deed.

Also present were Prov. Agriculturist Jun Vicoy, Glenn Baricuatro of PENRO, Cebu City ABC prexy Jingjing Faelnar with ABC Exec. Sec. Tessa Cang; Mayor Tony Dangoy, VM Joy Abing, Councilors Pepe Paradiang, Joe Cagang, Cocoy Reynes, Leo Sanchez; Ex-Mayor James Cabatingan; Mrs. Remy Lupo, the head teacher with her teaching force; Brgy Capt. Mano Manuel Tundag with his barangay councilmen Mario Paradiang, Mesio Mayol, Rod Jugan, and others.

A simple barriomate recapped the special occasion when one told him of Gov. Gwen's commitment. He said in Cebuano that the very few minutes that the lady governor actually spent with the Cabadianganons had the same invigorating effect of some few minutes of sunshine.

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