AAQPA awardee for peace

The 2003 Aurora Aragon Quezon Peace Award for Peace Through Participatory Development is Ms. Elisa del Puerto. The awards committee defines the awardee as having pursued peace through education, research and communication, and institution-building – "to advance knowledge and understanding of the causes of violence and conflict and effective ways of dealing with them, as well as of enhancing tolerance and peace, and identifying socio-economic, cultural and political conditions conducive to peaceful, equitable, cooperative, and productive relations in the community."

Her choice has been based on recommendations by people who know her, primarily that of Feizal L. Halim, DILG provincial director, Isabela City, Basilan Province.

Elisa was born on Sept. 8, 1957 in Isabela, Basilan. She has a bachelor of science in social work at Zamboanga State College, and obtained academic units in master of social work at Western Mindanao State University and community development course at Asian Social Institute. She is married to retired army Col. Manuel del Puerto.
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She acquired extensive experience in social development and community work during the last 24 years. She served as program coordinator of Claret Community Extension Services of the Claretian Missionary Fathers from 1977 to 1990 he worked as a community organizer, facilitator, teacher, counselor and peace advocate in the areas ravaged by war and conflict in the 70’s which proved to be incessant even in the years to come. She actively and successfully facilitated peace dialogues among warring factions in Basilan especially in the municipalities of Maluso,, Lantawan and Isabela. She establishes strong linkages with government agencies, the military, and other local and international NGOs to extend services to children and families." She is presently the project coordinator of two project affiliates of Christian Children’s Fund, Inc. in Basilan named Maluso Project and Inspiracion delos Pobres which caters to indigent children and families in the munipalities of Maluso, Lantawan, Isabela and Lamitan.

She also manages an outreach program, a social development arm of Isabela Foundation, Inc. Prelature of Isabela which assists depressed communities in Sumisip, TipoTipo and Tuburan. These organizations served 2,500 direct beneficiaries and were given an additional quota of 2000 more families for the year 2001 and 2002. She implements programs and services to address the most pressing needs of indigent children and families in Basilan such as health and nutrition, water system, housing assistance, formal and non-formal education, environmental sanitation and conservation, tree planting, toilet construction, cleanliness drive, and advocacy.

According to Ms. Halim, Eliza deals with armed groups – both the military and the MNLF, MILF and Abu Sayyaf which she believes is essential in the implementation of programs and services in the province of Basilan.
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Her inclination towards social development, especially in advocating for peace came early, exposed as she was as a child to the consequences of war and the threat to security in Basilan. She herself was a child in a situation of armed conflict. She realized the need to stay in Basilan and make a difference in the lives of the Basilenos regardless of religion and tribes. She chose to serve the most marginalized sectors of civil society – the children and women.
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According to Ms. Halim, Elisa’s linkages with the military and government agencies help in the facilitation of the peace covenant. "Her earnest effort wins the heart and confidence of Muslim communities. Her presence and assistance are constantly requested during case settlements. (She) met greatest difficult albeit the most challenging role during the settlement of a dispute between the state chairman of the Basilan Revolutionary Command of the MNLF in Sumisip Abdulmukin Tangigi also known as "Commander Congo" and the commander of the Civilian Volunteer Organization Battalion in Maluso Aurelino Laping also known as "Commander Leleng" in 1999. The two commanders had the longest running dispute and conflict which resulted in a number of lives lost, mass evacuations and destruction of properties during past encounters, offensives, extortion activities and kidnapping of civilians in Maluso and Sumisip.

Elisa, together with the commanding officer of the 103rd Inf. Bde 1ID and 51st IB Philippine Army, Bishop Jose Maria Querexeta (now deceased), Bishop Romulo dela Cruz and the government officials conducted countless meetings and follow up to convince the two commanders to finally settle their dispute. Both signed the Peace Accord on Oct. 16, 1999. (This) was a historical milestone witnessed and enjoyed by the people of the two municipalities. The MNLF and CVO agreed to end hostilities and their respective supporters, cooperate and support the implementation of projects undertaken in the area under the zone of Peace and Development Program, and to maintain and preserve the honorable peace between the parties through the creation of a Council of Elders composed of members from both parties. The council was tasked to settle amicably all disputes that may arise between them. The success of the pace agreement stirred a great desire in other communities handicapped by long-time conflict to express hope in ending their own plight through peace dialogues."
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Myrna T. Yao, president of the Filipino-Chinese Federation of Business and Professionall Women of the Philippines (Fil-Chi) and other officers of Fil-Chi, held a press conference yesterday in which they announced the holding of a benefit concert March 8.

Nadefa S. Sarte, chair, media and promotions committee, wrote media to say that the Fl-Chi is an organization committed to the integration of women in the global economy. One of the means by which it hopes to achieve this vision is through its project, the Philippine Livelihood Marketing Corporation (Philmacp) which conducts livelihood and management training and promotion, sales and marketing of the livelihood products off grassroots women to enhance and sustain their sales for better income and improved quality of living.

The scheduled concert, titled Night of a Hundred Flowers, to be held at the Philam Concert Hall, Philamlife building on UN avenue, Ermita, Manila, Fil-Chi’s special fourth anniversary presentation. It will be held in cooperation with Chikiting Patrol Productions and Etnertainment Inc. The concert is a fusion of Filipino and Chinese music featuring Jose Mari Chan and other outstanding Filipino and Chinese talents in the performing arts: Elaine Lee, soprano, Edgardo Crisol, tenor, and Dennis Lee, bari-tenor.

Proceeds of the concert will go to Philmaco.
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My e-mail address: dominimt2000@yahoo.com

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