5 signs that your 'dream job' has turned into one of your 'worst nightmares'

A certain level of stress can motivate you to accomplish more at the workplace. However, when stress is starting to consume you and starts to impact your mental, emotional and physical health, this maybe a sign that your job is not serving you well anymore. File Photo

MANILA, Philippines – You finally have the career you have been dreaming of - the kind that you have always pictured in your mind since eight years ago. At last, you have become a member of a big company and you are finally on a quest to make a name for yourself. Problem is, you are starting to realize that your “dream job” is slowly becoming one of your worst nightmares.

Realizing that things aren’t going the way you planned is as heartbreaking as losing the person you once thought you would spend your whole life with. Yes, it’s that kind of love.

Most people say that quitting is only for losers, but sometimes, quitting might be the best way to succeed in your life. To be the best in your fieldwork, you have to be consistently happy about what you are doing. When the spark, passion and fire is gone, it's maybe the time to call it quits.

How did it happen? Why did you lose the passion you once had for it? What can you do to bring back your enthusiasm towards it?  Those, I cannot explain, but here are some honest signs that your love affair with your job is down the last straw:

'Fireworks' is plainly gone
Do you remember the first time you stepped into your office? You were walking tall with your high heels on and Katy Perry’s “fireworks” was playing on your ears. All you have thought of was you and your job and the perks that come with it. That was you four years ago. Now, you wake up each day dragging yourself to work with a heavy heart and Belle and Sebastian’s “Get me away from here, I’M DYING,” blasting in your ears.

You count hours (not your overtimes)
When you lose the passion for your work, counting the hours until you can finally call it a day becomes a part of your daily routine. And yes, you count those hours even before reaching your workplace.

You refuse to go out with your colleagues
You used to go out with them four times a week. As a matter of fact, you were often the nightout planner, the party animal, the one who is always too aggressive to go out for a drink after 8 long hours. But now, 6:00 PM means clearing your table, grabbing a take out and heading straight home, ALONE.

Slightest things give you too much stress
If you get anxious or unhappy just thinking about work, that’s a good sign that it’s time to move on, Sutton Fell says on Forbes Magazine. Small annoyances bug you out of all proportion. Like someone talking too loudly in the next cubicle or someone leaving unwashed utensils on the sink. Even the ringing phone annoys you, seriously.

You feel all kinds of pain
A certain level of stress can motivate you to accomplish more at the workplace. However, when stress is starting to consume you and starts to impact your mental, emotional and physical health, this maybe a sign that your job is not serving you well anymore.

Just like accepting that a relationship has ended, admitting the truth about your job is brutal.  There’s nothing wrong with how you are feeling. It is okay to realize you are better in some place else, that sometimes, the only way to find the right spot is to move away from the spot that paralyzes you.

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