Visually impaired graduates as first summa cum laude of school

SAN CARLOS CITY, Pangasinan, Philippines  - A 25-year-old visually-impaired woman will graduate on April 14 as the valedictorian of her class and first-ever summa cum laude of the 52-year-old Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) here.

Minnie Aveline Posadas Juan, who is graduating with a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with a 96.32 percent general average, said she is giving back all the honor and glory to God.

“It’s God’s will of course because I wouldn’t be here without Him. I am just an instrument. This achievement is not because I am good but because God is good,” Minnie told The STAR yesterday.

She said she is also sharing her success with all “differently-abled” persons like her.

Minnie said she has yet to write her speech for graduation day because up to now, her heart is overflowing with gratitude.

“This is too much bonus from God,” she said.

Minnie finished her first degree of Bachelor of Arts in English at the Trinity College in Quezon City, graduating magna cum laude.

After graduation, she started working as a teacher for other visually-impaired pupils at the VMUF and at the same time, pursued her second course.

Minnie had her pre-school and high school at the VMUF, where she consistently topped her class.

Minnie’s students are also being integrated in regular classes with the help of the Braille system.

No special treatment

Minnie was born premature at six and a half months and was partially blind.

When she reached the age of three, she became totally blind.

Minnie is thankful to her parents, Dr. Angelo Juan and Dr. Maria Lilia Posadas-Juan, vice president for administration and president of VMUF respectively, and her three siblings, for accepting her for what she is and understanding her condition.

“They never humiliated me and never treated me differently, which was the key factor why I lived normally,” she said.

“No special treatment. No discrimination,” she added.

She admitted, however, that being the daughter of the administrators of the school put so much pressure on her to prove her worth. She said there were times when she would spend sleepless nights finishing the requirements of her course and her work.

She also lauded her teachers, especially the one who taught her to use Braille, Gertrudes Benigno.

“I want to encourage and inspire my fellow visually-impaired, and even those with other handicaps, those losing hope in life or those whose vision is clouded with despair, fear, anxiety or uncertainty,” she added.

Minnie first earned public attention when she won first place in an international essay-writing contest sponsored by the World Blind Union Asia-Pacific in Japan five years ago.

Her article was titled, “Braille to a Bright Future.”

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