No VIP treatment for 9 suspects in indiscriminate firing

A source said one of the suspects claimed he is related to a retired police general who was once assigned to the MPD.
Edd Gumban/File

MANILA, Philippines — National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Guillermo Eleazar yesterday ordered that no preferential treatment be extended to nine persons, including two girls, who were arrested for indiscriminate firing in Manila Thursday morning.

Eleazar addressed the order to Superintendent Bobby Glen Ganipac, Manila Police District (MPD) Station 9 commander, after a politician who is an uncle of one of the suspects allegedly visited the station to downplay the case and have the suspects cleared.

A source said one of the suspects claimed he is related to a retired police general who was once assigned to the MPD.

Eleazar visited Station 9 and checked on the suspects in their cells.

“I would like to assure the public that the suspects would not receive any VIP treatment from the police. The full force of the law would be applied to them no matter who their patrons are,” he said.

Charges of alarm and scandal, illegal possession of firearms and violation of the election-related gun ban were filed against Anjo Padilla, 27; Jeffrey Mendoza, 32; Luilius Dolante, 30; Maryjay Dominguez, 29; Beucan Morillo, 23; Wendel de Guzman, 24; Marc Senez, 21, and two girls.

Footage obtained by The STAR showed one of the suspects – who occupied three cars – firing several shots in quick succession at the corner of Aldecoa and M.H. del Pilar streets in Malate just before 7 a.m. Thursday.

At least 12 bullet casings were recovered from the scene. – Non Alquitran

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