Basilan barangay poll bet, 4 followers slain

MAGUINDANAO, Philippines — Police arrested on Sunday a village chief tagged in the killing of his rival in the barangay elections and four of the victim’s followers in Basilan on Saturday night.

Hermie Asao, chairman of Barangay Kamamburingan in Ungkaya Pukan town, was arrested by police operatives and personnel of the Army’s 104th Infantry Brigade (IB) after a 13-hour search.

Usang Alibasa and his followers identified as Usang, 45, and Andatun, 47, both surnamed Asani; Jannalun Matindo, 60; a certain Jamalun and another identified only as Matindo were discussing their campaign plans when around 10 men surrounded their house and opened fire, Chief Superintendent Graciano Mijares, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao police chief, said.

Asao and his cohorts also reportedly hacked the victims and tried to decapitate one of them.

Alibasa, a former barangay chairman, was set to contest Asao’s reelection bid.

Gen. Juvymax Uy, 104th IB commander, said military intelligence personnel are helping in pursuit operations for Asao’s cohorts.

In Lanao del Sur, Jabber Tanog and his cousins Ayno and Aladdin, both surnamed Saripada, were killed in an ambush in Pualas town. The victims were on their way to Barangay Notong when they were waylaid.

Witnesses identified the suspects as Sadam Watamama, Sadam Bonsalagan, Talawag Ame, Olo Ame, Bakar Ame, Kasanodin Tanog, Asko Macasayan and Saidamen Balindong, who all escaped following the incident.

Mijares said the killings could also be related to the barangay elections next month. – With Emmanuel Tupas

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