Military units attack Abu Sayyaf lair in Zamboanga

The Abu Sayyaf group reportedly suffered casualties following the operations. photo

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - Combined military special operating units slowly penetrated the lair of the Abu Sayyaf group in Al-Barka, Basilan following pick-up by Abu Sayyaf snipers, according to official.

The operations on its sixth day left undetermined militant casualties, said Maj. Felimon Tan Jr., spokesman of the Western Mindanao Command.

“The troops cannot just enter right straight to lair as they were being pick-up by snipers of the Abu Sayyaf group,” Tan said.

According to Tan, special operating troops from different military units have been deployed to flush out and defeat the Abu Sayyaf group led by commanders Isnilon Hapilon, Nurhassan Jamiri, and Furuji Indama with some 150 to 200 followers.

Tan said the operations that started last Sunday left three soldiers dead and 11 others wounded as of Thursday.

“Most of our casualties came from the snipers’ fire,” Tan said.

Based on the ground intelligence information, the Abu Sayyaf group suffered casualties. At least 15 militants were killed and seven others wounded.

“There were information that a foreign-based militant was among the fatality, but this information are being validated since the troops have not penetrated the main lair yet,” Tan said.

Tan was referring to the foreign militant identified as Moh Najib Hussein alias “Abu Anas,” a Malaysian bomber who sought refuge and had been training local Abu Sayyaf bandits in bomb making.

Tan also made an appeal to the public to pray for the safety of the soldiers in performing their mission to secure the people in this southern part of the region.

“While the troops were performing their mission, we do need the public support for their safety,” Tan added. 

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