2 HPG men maul MMDA traffic enforcer

Manuel L. Quezon Avenue, more often called as Quezon Avenue, is a 7.1-kilometer, 6-14 lane major thoroughfare in Metro Manila. Philstar.com/Google Earth, screenshot

MANILA, Philippines — Two members of the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group  (PNP-HPG) are now in hot water for reportedly manhandling a Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) traffic enforcer over a confiscated driver's license in Quezon City.

In his sworn statement to the MMDA's Traffic Discipline Office, Traffic Auxilliary Leon Trinidad accused a certain Police Senior Inspector Maranion and a subordinate, whom he failed to identify, of mauling him on September 22 around 7 p.m. after he failed to produce the driver's license of Mark Nicolas.

Trinidad said he was just fetched by HPG personnel from the Quezon Avenue U-turn slot and brought to the Quezon Avenue split to bring the driver's licenses of apprehended motorists to Traffic Constabulary Baldomero Capulo Jr. for issuance of Unified Ordinance Violation Receipt.

He said there were three apprehensions made that night and he never returned to Quezon Avenue split and remained on the Quezon Avenue U-turn slot.

However, at around 8:30 p.m., Trinidad said Nicolas accosted him in looking for his driver's license which was confiscated by a member of HPG.

Trinidad said he politely told Nicolas that he does not have the driver's license. Nicolas left and went to the PNP-HPG personnel who demanded to produce the driver's license.

"Pinagpipilitan na nasa akin yung license at galit na galit at pinagbantaan pa ako," he said in his affidavit.

Trinidad said Maranion and his companion arrived at the scene and talked to him and two other traffic enforcers.

Suddenly, Maranion's companion hit Trinidad with the helmet. Maranion also joined in by kicking Trinidad's legs and hitting him with a handheld radio while Nicolas watched the commotion.

Maranion also confiscated Trinidad and two other MMDA personnel's IDs.

MMDA Assistant General Manager for Operation Emerson Carlos said the agency has already referred the incident to the legal department for appropriate action against the abusive PNP-HPG personnel.

"We will not let this thing happen to our people who are just merely doing their jobs," Carlos said.

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