3 cops cited for armed group leader’s slay

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union, Philippines – Three police officers who shot dead a leader of a private armed group in Binmaley, Pangasinan received commendation yesterday.

Chief Inspector Christopher Valerio, chief of the police station in San Manuel, Pangasinan, received the Medalya ng Kagalingan (medal of excellence), while Police Officer 2 Reynaldo Domalanta and Police Officer 1 Jhordan Sarzaba were given the Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (medal of wounded courageous).

Chief Superintendent Benjamin Hulipas, officer-in-charge of Police Regional Office 1, hailed the officers for killing Valiente Felix Castro, the alleged leader of a private armed group operating in Pangasinan.

“The officers were commended for tracking down and engaging in an armed encounter that resulted in the death of Castro,” Hulipas said during the ceremony.

Investigation showed that aside from killing the gang leader, the officers recovered from Castro a .45 caliber and a 9mm pistol, a bladed weapon, nine plastic sachets said to contain shabu and cash amounting to P111,000 and $200.

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