'Pro-Palestian' hacker defaces PNP website

The police organization has recently tapped software giant Microsoft Inc. Philppines to help in its anti-cybercrime efforts.

MANILA, Philippines - A website of one of the offices of the Philippine National Police (PNP) was hacked on Monday by someone claiming to be a pro-Palestinian advocate.

The website of the PNP's Police Security Protection Group (PSPG) was hacked by a certain "Leon HDz." The hacker defaced the site with an image of a person wearing a black coat on top of a white collared shirt with a red necktie. 

The hacker put some statements of support for Palestine in the website.

The hacker also hit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Barack Obama, and United Nations  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The PNP has yet to issue a statement whether there were important data taken from the website.

The PSPG is an operational unit of the PNP mandated by law to provide security to government officials, foreign dignitaries, private individuals authorized to be given protection and key government installations. 

The PSPG's website is suspended as of the moment. 

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