Priest nearly rejects appointment by Pope Francis

Bishop Marcelino Antonio Maralit poses with a cancer patient during a recent visit to the Cancer Warrior Foundation in Lipa City, Batangas. ARNELL OZAETA

BATANGAS, Philippines – A priest from Lipa City nearly rejected his appointment by Pope Francis to become the bishop of Marinduque.

Monsignor Marcelino Antonio Maralit was appointed by the pope to be the fourth bishop of the diocese of Boac last Dec. 31.

Maralit said he was surprised when the papal nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Pinto, read to him his appointment from the Holy Father at the nunciature last Dec. 16.

“I was silent for a few seconds. I asked Archbishop Pinto if I could refuse the appointment. He said yes, I may not accept but only if there is a grave reason. He told me to think about it,” Maralit said.

On his return to Lipa, Maralit went straight to the Carmel Monastery and spent the day praying.

“I had two feelings, one of fear and another of guilt. I was scared of what being a real and good bishop would mean. It was a very heavy burden,” he said.

Maralit said he was unprepared for the post.

“A very strong sense of guilt and unworthiness came over me,” he said.

On Dec. 20, Maralit was asked by Pinto’s assistant about his decision.

“My response would be a no. So I asked for a few more days to pray and reflect, and to talk to a person who could help me understand my feelings,” he said.

After talking to Imus Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista, a former bishop of Boac, Maralit accepted the pope’s appointment.

“Bishop Rey enlightened me that my feelings were banal na pagkatakot (sacred fear). He said it was good I felt that way because it showed that I knew it was a mission and not a position,” he said.

Maralit was a former parish priest of Alitagtag in Batangas. He is set to be ordained as a bishop on March 13. His installation date in Marinduque has yet to be determined.

Before his appointment, he served as vicar of the Immaculate Conception parish in Bauan from 1995 to 1996. He was a professor at the St. Francis de Sales Major Seminary in Lipa City in 1996 and was director of the diocese’s commission for vocations.

Because of his appointment as bishop of Marinduque, he was given the chance to meet Pope Francis, who is visiting the country, and to be present in almost all of the pontiff’s activities.

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