BCDA urged to comply with John Hay dev’t rules

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – The city government of Baguio is making sure that the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) will comply with the 19 conditions set for the development of Camp John Hay.

This developed as Mayor Mauricio Domogan expressed disappointment over the BCDA’s declaration that it would follow existing laws on special economic zones.

The city government said it is ready to file a complaint against the BCDA to make the latter comply with the conditions set under Resolution 362.

Jamie Agbayani of John Hay Management Corp. (JHMC) met with Domogan last Thursday to discuss the matter.

Domogan said nothing concrete was agreed upon during the meeting.

Agbayani assured Domogan that the JHMC would coordinate with a technical working group in order to come up with the best way to implement Resolution 362.

Domogan said the state-run BCDA, through its implementing arm JHMC, has not been honoring the conditions.

Among the latest issues was BCDA’s application for a special patent over Camp John Hay, which was denied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regional office.

“It’s good that the DENR-(Cordillera Administrative Region) denied the application because the city government will lose its rights over Camp John Hay once it is patented,” Domogan said.

The city government condemned BCDA’s application for rights over the water sources of three villages at the camp.

It also questioned the alleged extension of a lease contract to a company for 75 years, as the original lease agreement was only for 50 years.

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