Death toll in Benguet road mishap rises to 13

MANILA, Philippines - The death toll in the road mishap in Benguet  on Tuesday afternoon  rose to 13.

Quoting the Cordillera police, a radio report said Wednesday one of the four wounded passengers who figured died while confined in a hospital.

Earlier reports said that eight of the passengers of a Ford Fiera, most of who  are students of Poblacion National High School, were instantly killed while four others died while being rushed to a hospital.

Initial investigation showed that the vehicle was cruising the ascending portion of the road on Bangbangayen, Buguias, Benguet, around 4:30 p.m. when three of the students told the driver to stop.

The engine of the vehicle died, sending the Fiera backing down the slope and plunging into a 100-meter ravine.

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