La Union cop hailed for carrying woman

SPO3 Erlinda Gagaoin receives a special award from PRO-1 director Chief Superintendent Roman Felix in a ceremony at Camp Florendo, La Union on Thursday. JUN ELIAS  

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union, Philippines - President Aquino has hailed a female police officer from Tubao town for carrying on her back a blind woman whose relatives failed to pick her up at the municipal hall.

Aquino cited Senior Police Officer 3 Erlinda Gagaoin during the 113th Police Service Anniversary celebration at Camp Crame on Monday, said Police Regional Office (PRO-1) director Chief Superintendent Roman Felix.

Felix relayed the news to his men during a similar celebration at the PRO-1 here Thursday.

Three weeks ago, a photo of Gagaoin carrying Rebecca Batalaer on her back went viral after it was posted on the social networking site Facebook by a resident.

Gagaoin said she carried Batalaer because the road going to the blind woman’s house was muddy.

The woman’s son, who dropped her off earlier at the town hall, failed to pick her up.

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