PNP suspends permits to carry guns outside homes in P’sinan

LINGAYEN, Pangasinan, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) suspended permits to carry firearms outside of residences (PTCFORs) in this province starting last Friday.

The order came after President Aquino visited the wake of slain Urbiztondo Mayor Ernesto Balolong Jr. on Friday. Balolong was a party-mate of the president in the Liberal Party.

Senior Superintendent Sterling Raymund Blanco, officer-in-charge of the Pangasinan police, told The STAR yesterday that the suspension of the PTCFOR could be an offshoot of the President’s visit in Urbiztondo.

PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima verbally issued the order to Chief Superintendent Roman Felix, director of the Police Regional Office 1.

The order drew reactions from licensed gun owners.

In his Facebook account, Dagupan City Councilor Jose Netu Tamayo, posted that the order “is an affront to the basic human right of right to self preservation as enshrined in the Constitution.”

“Only lawless gunmen will be out there while responsible gun owners have nothing to use to protect themselves,” Tamayo said.

But Blanco said the order would prevent if not lessen the use of firearms, as it’s not only the criminals who bring guns on the streets.

Blanco said there are cases wherein licensed gun owners with permits to carry firearms outside their residence were involved in shooting incidents.

He said firearms should not be brought in places of convergence and worship, and if carried, must be placed in a bag and not in holster.

Blanco said the suspension remains in effect until the PNP revokes it. He said it is Purisima’s prerogative to order the suspension.

Purisima also ordered the Pangasinan police to intensify checkpoint operations, implementation of Oplan Sita and patrol in their areas of responsibility.

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