MILF slams Zambo, execs for walkout on Bangsamoro forum

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Monday scored the alleged unsavory treatment  given to the Bangsamoro Transition Council (BTC) by the Zamboanga City government, calling it a “classic display of discourtesy” and “gutter politics at its height.”

In an editorial posted on its website, the MILF claimed that the action of the city government was meant to divide the people and to play on their emotions.

“Clearly, there is suppression of ideas in Zamboanga City. Individual or even collective right to freedom of speech and political opinions are curtailed,” it read.

“What happened during the BTC’s courtesy call was not only a classic display of discourtesy and arrogance, but also gutter politics at its height.”

Last week, local officials and residents of Zamboanga City walked out of a forum of the BTC to express their opposition to the creation of a Bangsamoro political entity.

A panelist of the BTC reportedly called on the leaders and local residents to join the political entity, saying this would result in development for the city.

The appeal was reportedly greeted with boos and a walkout by local residents, which, previous reports claimed, was encouraged by the city’s mayor Maria Isabelle Climaco- Salazar.

“Let us all stand up and show a resounding 'no' that we do not want to be included in the Bangsamoro,” Salazar was quoted by reports as saying.

The city government has denied snubbing the BTC and maintained that Salazar had requested the holding of a public forum to reach out to a wider portion of the community.

“The mayor thought it is wise to have the BTC meet with the different stakeholders given the city’s united and firm stand on exclusion from any Bangsamoro entity,” said Sheila Covarrubias, the public information officer of the city government.

The MILF said the “divisive politics” of Climaco and her “power cliques” is not the right way to run Zamboanga City.

“We are sure there are a sizeable number of people in the city who are guided by conscience and fair play,” the group said. 

“We are sure there will come a time the people of this city will speak for themselves and not through leaders like Climaco who is still living under the shadow of the Moro-Spanish War that lasted for more than 300 years,” it added.

MILF said there was no gesture of hospitality to signal that the BTC commissioners were welcome in the city.

It claimed that the commissioners, who came all the way from Davao for another peace forum, were not even offered a drink or snacks

“Moreover, in Climaco’s message it was nothing but a litany of complaints, emotional outburst, and sentiments,” the group said.

MILF also alleged that most of the participants of the event were pre-selected, briefed, and coached with the sole reason of insulting the visitors.

“Others were “paid” to ask insulting or hostile questions. Mayor Climaco even hugged one of those so-called Muslims who asked a piqued question to the BTC whose membership are mostly Muslims,” it added.

Covarrubias denied that the commissioners were not offered food, saying the staff of the hotel where the event was held had served soft drinks and sandwiches.

She also belied claims that Salazar had paid those who attended the forum to heckle the commissioners.

“The people who went there were representatives of the different stakeholders, of the different sectors. Some were from the business sector, barangay sector, academe, urban poor,” Covarrubias said.

“There is a need to look at the history of the city's stand on the Bangsamoro issue because ever since, Zamboanga City has never been in favor of moves to include it in the ARMM (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao) or Bangsamoro,” she added.

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