Kin of Yolanda victims to hold noise barrage, candle-lighting

MANILA, Philippines - A group of relatives and friends of victims of supertyphoon Yolanda in Metro Manila will stage a candle lighting and noise barrage on Monday to protest the slow paced relief and rehabilitation effort of the government.

Tindog, a network of families, friends and supporters of the victims of Typhoon Yolanda, will hold the activities around 10 a.m. at the Waray Community, Barangay 123, Road 10 corner Moriones Pier 12, Tondo, Manila.

The participants will also announced their scheduled rally in Mendiola on Wednesday to directly condemn the snail pace action of President Benigno Aquino III's administration.
The noise barrage will be staged 10 days after Yolanda made landfall in Leyte last Nov. 8.

Tindog convenors said relatives of  Yolanda victims are still searching and still have no connection to their relatives in various provinces in Visayas, particularly in Tacloban, Leyte and Samar.

They will bring pictures and write names of their loved ones, Tindog convenors said.

As this developed, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reported that the total number of missing has risen to 1,598 in the battered areas in the Visayas.

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