TUCP reveals Chinese illegally working as laborers in 2 provinces

MANILA, Philippines - Chinese nationals are illegally working as construction workers in Batangas and Bataan under a multinational private contractor, the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) said yesterday.

In a statement, Associated Labor Unions-TUCP executive vice president Gerard Seno said this must be investigated because of its implications to the employment opportunities of Filipino workers.

“TUCP is gravely concerned over reports of foreigners, notably Chinese nationals, particularly in the construction industry, allegedly working without the required government working permits,” Seno said.

“This phenomenon has very serious adverse implications not only in the local construction industry but also in the current unemployment and underemployment situation in the country,” he added.

The TUCP, according to Seno, found out that some 3,000 Chinese nationals are involved. 

He cautioned that if the practice continues, it will “undermine the entire job security in our country.”

Under the scheme, foreign contractors would apply for work permits but employ workers more than what is covered by the permits.

He said “weak enforcement and lack of enforcers of labor laws” allow the practice to persist.

As a policy, foreign nationals who want to work in the Philippines must secure an alien employment permit from the Department of Labor and Employment, Bureau of Immigration (BI) and, the Professional Regulation Commission.

If the skill applied for is unavailable in the local labor market and the application is without question, the permit will be granted.

“The gravity of the situation calls for the BI, the municipal and city mayors, and the regional labor officers to step in and assert government power and authority the soonest time possible,” Seno said.

The TUCP called on the government to strictly enforce immigration and labor laws also to protect the Chinese nationals from the “bondage of this worst form of modern-day slavery.” – With Paolo Romero            

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