Cagayan woman shot by own son

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines   â€“ A mother is in critical state after she was reportedly shot by a drunken son in Aparri, Cagayan last Saturday, police said.

The victim, Aniceta Opina, 65, a resident of Bangag village, is still reportedly fighting for her life due to a gunshot wound in the abdomen allegedly inflicted by her son Richard, 38.

The young Opina, armed with a .38-caliber revolver, reportedly challenged neighbors to a fistfight. He then boarded his motorcycle and went to the national highway where he flagged down several vehicles at gunpoint.

His mother, who was following him, tried to pacify him, even trying to get hold of his gun. Instead of yielding to his mother’s plea, he shot her in the abdomen and then fled on his motorcycle. Police are still tracking him down.


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