Group wants transparency on selection of HR claims board

Rights group Karapatan on Thursday called on the Aquino administration for  transparent and credible process in the selection of the members of the Human Rights Victims Claims Board.

"The process should be acceptable to the victims," Karapatan secretary general Cristina Palabay said.

Palabay said they are  apprehensive because as vital information on the nomination process and schedules were not publicized.

"We hope that this is not a foreshadowing of the possible exclusion of the nominees of Selda and Tanggol Bayi from the Human Rights Claims Board," Palabay added.

The group also echoed the call of the martial law victims that the Claims Board should be composed of people "with integrity, competence and probity and, who understand the plight of the victims."

Under Republic Act 10368 or the Human Rights Violation Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013, the Claims board is mandated to formulate the implementing rules and regulations of the measure and to process the claims of victims of human rights violations during martial law. - Dennis Carcamo

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