COA questions excessive Negros intel funds

MANILA, Philippines - The provincial government of Negros Oriental released P12.7 million in confidential and intelligence expenses (CIE) in 2011, more than P8.6 million of the amount allowed by law, the Commission on Audit (COA) said.

“The books of account of the province showed that as of Dec. 31, 2011, P12.7 million had been obligated and released as cash advances to the governor (Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo). However, the whole amount remains unliquidated as of this writing,” state auditors said in a recent report.

COA said the amount “far exceeded” the allowable limit of P4.02 million pursuant to Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular 99-65 dated April 23, 1999.

State auditors said CIE appropriations “should not exceed 30 percent of the total annual amount allocated for peace and order efforts or three percent of the total annual appropriations, whichever is lower.”

The audit team added that prior approval of the DILG secretary is required when allocations for CIE exceed the prescribed limit.

“As of this writing, however, this office has not been favored with a copy of the approval from the Secretary of the DILG. Unless the same can be presented, the excess appropriations and consequent disbursements cannot be allowed in audit,” the COA report stated.

State auditors added that the provincial government’s computations wrongfully included programs and projects that were not directly utilized for peace and order activities.

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