'Society doomed with SC's ruling on political dynasties'


MANILA, Philippines - The independent senatorial candidate who petitioned against the existence of political dynasties on Tuesday said the turning down of his request by the Supreme Court would "doom" society.

"We ratified a people's Constitution in 1987, elected the 8th to 15th Congress who swore to uphold and defend that Constitution yet acted against us on Article 2, Section 26, propagated themselves and they make laws protecting them from us. No laws protecting us from them. Ayn Rand would say our society is doomed," businessman and first time senatorial bet Ricardo Penson said.

Penson earlier filed a 21-page petition for mandamus, asking the high court to compel Congress to pass an enabling law defining what a "political dynasty" is, as stipulated under Section 26 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Section 26 states: "The state shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law."

Penson, currently president and chief executive officer of Ausphil Tollways Corp., has formed a movement against political dynasties called Krusada Kontra Dynasty.

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