AFP to observe truce despite CPP decision to end earlier


MANILA, Philippines - The Armed Forces of the Philippines said on Wednesday that it will carry on with its truce with the Communist Party of the Philippines despite the latter's decision to end it 13 days earlier.

"The objective of the implementation of the extended SOMO (suspension of military offensive) is to further demonstrate the AFP's commitment, sincerity and resolve for peace in spite of conflicts with the insurgent group," AFP Spokesperson Col. Arnulfo M. Burgos, Jr., said.

The truce which started last Dec. 20 was supposed to end on Jan. 15

The SOMO, done by the AFP in support of the government's peace initiatives, was held in observance of the Christmas season.

"While the AFP fully abides with the extended SOMO, it will maintain activities supporting the government and civil authorities’ peace, development, and humanitarian assistance programs. We will also continue our proactive defense countermeasures to ensure our people’s safety and security during the conduct of the extended ceasefire," Burgos said.

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