AFP: Ifugao operation directed at rebels only

MANILA, Philippines - The Armed Forces leadership yesterday assured Ifugao folk that the ongoing military operation in the province is only directed at New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas who ambushed and killed 11 soldiers and a civilian in Tinoc town last Wednesday.

Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos Jr., Armed Forces spokesman, gave the assurance as residents of Tinoc, a fifth-class municipality, have expressed apprehension that they could be caught in the crossfire. 

“The ongoing combat operation being conducted by the government troops in Ifugao is directed only at the NPA rebels responsible for the recent treacherous attack and atrocity on (men of the) 86th Infantry Battalion,” Burgos said.

Tinoc Mayor Lopez Pugong was quoted as saying that fear now grips his constituents, especially those in the village of Binablayan, which is near the ambush site.

The residents, Pugong said, are even thinking of fleeing their homes for fear that hostilities could erupt again and they could be caught in the crossfire.

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