ARMM makes transactions more transparent

MANILA, Philippines - In line with the good governance thrust of President Aquino, acting Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Gov. Mujiv Hataman has adopted the same policy to make transactions of the regional government more transparent.

“This is one way of getting the people’s trust in the regional government, not just from (the people of) Mindanao but from people all over the country as well. This is one program where we need to inform the people of the reforms we have been undertaking,” Hataman said.

The ARMM will open its open government portal to the public through the launch of a new website where people can access the latest reports on accountability, revenue, fund utilization and project implementation, among others.

The ARMM is the first region in the country to have signified its commitment to the Open Government Partnership that the country founded in September 2011 along with other countries.

Hataman is also pushing for electoral reforms through a general registration of voters and a biometric electoral system that will be implemented by 2013.

Secretary Ricky Carandang disclosed last Friday that the government is allotting P8.3 billion more for development projects in the ARMM to provide more basic services and improve the lives of the regional folk.

“If you recall some months ago, it was announced that on top of the regular budget of ARMM, the government would be willing to put additional funds, about P8.3 billion, into development projects in ARMM,” he said.

“We want to put more money into ARMM for development projects. We are hoping that the projects will be completed during the term of Gov. Hataman. The funds will come from the national government,” he added.

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