Another Ifugao town bans spitting

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Another town in Ifugao has banned spitting in public places.

The municipal government of Lamut approved an ordinance prohibiting betel nut “momma’’ chewers from spitting their reddish sputum in government offices and buildings, plazas, streets, waiting sheds and other public areas.

Violators face a fine of P150 for the first offense, P300 for the second offense, and P500 or community service for the third offense.

Betel nut chewing has been a tradition among Ifugaos since time immemorial.

In approving the ordinance, Lamut town officials said spitting of betel nut is “unsanitary and pollutes the environment.’’

“The ban protects the health and general welfare of (our) constituents by providing them with a clean environment,” they said.

Warning signs and spitting bins have been placed in public areas across Lamut town.

The local law also requires public vehicles to have spitting bins.

Baguio City and Mt. Province’s capital town of Bontoc along with the municipalities of Lagawe, Kiangan and Sabangan earlier had banned spitting in public places.

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