Camarines bill not railroaded - Arnaiz

MANILA, Philippines - The recent 229-1 vote in the House of Representatives for the creation of the new province of Nueva Camarines from the fourth and fifth districts of Camarines Sur is “a triumph of economic development over partisan politics,” Negros Oriental Rep. George Arnaiz said the other day.

“The avalanche of votes for Nueva Camarines tells us very clearly that our lawmakers look beyond partisan politics and want sustained economic and social development first and foremost,” Arnaiz, chairman of the House committee on local government, said in a statement.

“All congressmen present, except one from Camarines Sur, voted across party lines in favor of Nueva Camarines, knowing fully well that what they are actually doing is to uplift people from poverty and deprivation, and give them a better future,” he said.

Arnaiz said the House plenary voted overwhelmingly for the bill despite what he called the “baseless claim” of Camarines Sur Rep. Salvio Fortuno that the bill was railroaded without any debate or discussion.

In fact, Arnaiz said, Fortuno and Camarines Sur Gov. Luis Raymund Villafuerte personally took part in the committee’s deliberations last June, “even bringing with them three full busloads of their supporters all the way from Bicol as their cheering squad.”

“How can they in all conscience now say that the bill was railroaded and that it was not debated upon?” Arnaiz said.

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