Gecko seekers turn bounty hunters in Pampanga

SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga ,Philippines  – News that Gov. Lilia Pineda has offered a reward of P200,000 to anyone who could provide information leading to the arrest of the suspect in the robbery and sexual molestation of a dentist in Sto. Domingo town had made a group of gecko hunters shift to “bounty hunting.”

Turiano Ramos, who admitted being a gecko hunter said he decided to join the hunt for the dentist robber and molester noting that their search for geckos yielded no positive result for a couple of months now.

 Ramos also cited the warning of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources against gecko hunters and collectors.

Luis de la Peña and Rosendo Sagum said many gecko hunters like them, decided to find other lawful means of earning their livelihood, amid reports of individuals being arrested due to gecko trading.

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