Lawmakers fast-track conversion of timberlands to residential areas

SURIGAO CITY, Philippines  – With residential lands in many areas in Surigao City still classified as timberlands, therefore not qualified for titling, Surigao del Norte second district Rep. Guillermo Romarate, Jr. vowed to fast-track the bill filed before Congress to convert timberlands into alienable and disposable lands.

The House bill is already on its third and final reading, the two Surigao lawmakers said.

First district Rep. Francisco Matugas has also committed to help fast-track the bill he co-authored with Romarate. He said he will order his office staff to follow it up at the House committee level where it is now pending.

The two lawmakers who belong to President Aquino’s Liberal Party claimed they responded to the widespread clamor of owners of residential properties in Barangays San Juan, Taft, Navalca and other areas of Surigao City who are armed with tax declarations as proof of their ownership be converted into land titles.

Earlier, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has told residential owners that the only way to convert timberlands into an A and D lands was through legislation in Congress. But it was not so in the case of a protected area of 7,658 hectares Mt. Mayapay in Butuan City, according to non-government organization Kalikasan where lands within Mt. Mayapay were allegedly applied for an A and D while some rich traders and prominent politicians who bought lands in the area have registered their acquired lands before the Land Registration Authority (LRA).

Indigenous People in Mt. Mayapay holders are planning to file class suit against some local DENR officials, personnel and some personalities why declared timberlands in protected Mt. Mayapay have been converted into alienable and disposable lands.

In the case of Surigao City where there is clear initiative to convert said timberlands through legal means, once signed into law by President Aquino, existing occupants can now apply before the LRA for land titles.

Romarate said the legal conversion of the Surigao City timberlands into A and D lands will help Surigao City increase its real property tax collection while providing landowners the power to develop the lands they occupied and can now be used as loan collaterals including other legal purposes.

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