Rebels dared: Produce proof 'Ka Roger' isn't dead

MANILA, Philippines – The military yesterday challenged communist insurgents to produce evidence that would disprove notions that rebel leader Gregorio “Ka Roger” Rosal is dead even as it admitted that such a report remains unverified. 

While he admitted that such reports are hard to validate, Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta Jr., Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman, said there are “very good” reasons to believe that the communist leader is dead.

He noted that Rosal, who once served as spokesman of the communist movement, has been out of circulation in the past two years. 

“The AFP has reason to believe that Ka Roger… may be dead… Considering that he is a very prominent personality, a very high-ranking cadre and all of a sudden we have not heard from him,” Mabanta said in a press briefing. 

“We challenge the members of the New People’s Army (NPA). If they feel that he (Rosal) is still alive, then come up with evidence so that once and for all we can settle the issue,” he added.

Mabanta believes the rebels may be hiding Rosal’s death as he has been a symbol of their movement.  

Rosal’s reported death will not derail the peace talks with the communist rebels, Malacañang said yesterday.

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said the matter would have no effect on the government negotiating panel.

“Well, Ka Roger, he has not been seen or heard for the past three years,” he said. “So the AFP has reason to believe he may be dead, but until after his remains have been found, we cannot say with certainty.”

Several quarters have been urging the government to resume talks with the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Last month, President Aquino named Health Undersecretary Alex Padilla as head of the five-man government panel to hold peace negotiations with the communist rebels.

With Delon Porcalla

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