Celebrating 42 years of the killing of Filipinos!

I got a lot of responses on the article we wrote last week when we lambasted the Nationalista Party (NP) for having those left-leaning partylist members, Satur Ocampo and Liza Masa in their ticket as if this nation owe them for what they have done for this country, which we already pointed out, to help only the Human Rights for their left-leaning friends. With today supposedly the 42nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), it is only fitting that I will be reprinting the comments both good and nasty from the article we wrote.

First let me reprint the response from nosantos2020@yahoo.com.

“Those 2 elected and incumbent party-last leftist Representatives, you brand as outcast and “kisses of death” to any political party that includes them. That opinion of your makes you one of the most “stupid jerk” in our society. Or if you were an American, you certainly are a “racist”. It is not fair for me to say that media people are AC/DC “gold-diggers”? It’s not! Few scalawags like you in media doesn’t make the outfit corrupt. One rotten egg like you isn’t wroth to damn the world of your career where you don’t belong! You belong to the lost Nazi Society.”

Whenever my readers email me their responses, I always answer them. This was one of the most insulting ones that I ever got. But when I replied to the writer, the email bounced back. I later learned that it carried a virus with it. This is the kind of folks that the majority of our society is up against. They cannot respect our opinion and tags me as a Nazi. Wait! Didn’t I see a placard in one of those leftist demonstrations portraying GMA as a Nazi? Well, I guess this email came from those guys who cannot respect Freedom of Speech and only uses insults to hit you back. May God save their souls! However I did get two other emails praising that article.

From emomracelo@yahoo.com, “Dear Mr. Avila, That was a very good article you wrote on the hypocritical nature of the leftist movement in our country. “Right” for their movement, but not for others. One has to remember their periodic “weeding” of members who question their leader, Jose Ma. Sison’s unilateral pronouncements. They have eliminated, or try to eliminate all dissent to them through violence and execution. If they ever get control of this country, it will be like Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. Edgardo Marcelo.” Thanks Mr. Marcelo for your letter proves that I’m not alone in my observation about those leftists groups.

Here’s another letter from a Major Dennis Gutierrez of the AFP.

“Dear Bobit, First of all, I would like to greet you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!! Secondly, I would like to thank you for your courageous and upfront view of what’s happening in our country as describe in your article today entitled “Leftists in NP senatorial lineup is hara-kiri!” You precisely described the evil that is lurking in our midst waiting for the right time to unleash their fury and desire.

That is why I salute you for your courage in using your column and writing prowess to inform the greater public of the manipulation and deception of the CPP/NPA/NDF who happens to lure the camp of the NP to accommodate their minions. I agree on every point you raised in the column and hoping that other right-minded members of the media would also do the same for the sake of our country.

I’m a member of the AFP and devoted much of my career in fighting the communist threat. I have seen how evil they are and the manipulation they have done to many of our countrymen, that is why I pity Manny Villar for choosing to accommodate the Leftists to further his political ambitions. I would never give my loyalty to a commander-in-chief sleeping with the enemy. If ever he’ll win, and leftist personalities will sit in the Senate, it’s of my opinion that the country will further be in turmoil, pushing our country to the brink of civil war. And I fervently pray that God will be with us during that time.

Villar signed a covenant with a Godless party masquerading in another deceptive name of the “Makabayan” party. I will continue to be vigilant and appreciative of efforts by people like you who really represent the media the people deserve, fearless and objective. In conclusion, please accept the heartfelt thanks and gratitude of the many members of the uniformed services who I know feel the same way like I do when they read your article today. More power to you and to the whole editorial staff of The STAR. Thank you sir and may the Almighty always guide you and your family!! Please continue with your advocacy. We support you all the way. Sincerely Yours Major Dennis Gutierrez.”

Today the CPP/NPA/NDF is celebrating its 42nd founding anniversary. In my book, they are celebrating 42-years of the senseless killing of Filipinos, soldiers and civilians alike who do not agree with their ideology. I write articles like this to thank our soldiers for the sacrifice they have made.

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For email responses to this article, write to vsbobita@mozcom.com or vsbobita@gmail.com. His columns can be accessed through www.philstar.com.

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