UK to mediate in RP, MILF peace bid

MANILA, Philippines - The United Kingdom has accepted the invitation of the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to become a member of the International Contact Group (ICG) to provide support to the peace negotiations.

British Ambassador Stephen Lillie conveyed yesterday to the negotiating panels the British government’s acceptance of the joint invitation to join the ICG.

“I am happy to accept the invitation on behalf of the UK government. I hope the ICG will help both parties in their efforts to work for a lasting and just peace in Mindanao,” Lillie said.

The invitation for the UK to join the ICG was given in Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 16.

The ICG is envisioned to provide support to the negotiations. It will be composed of the United Kingdom, Japan and Turkey, as well as international non-government organizations.

The creation of ICG is expected to pave the way for the resumption of formal peace talks between the government and the MILF.

On Friday, Japan announced that it accepted the invitation for Japan to become a member of the ICG for the peace process between the GRP-MILF.

Japanese Ambassador to Manila Makoto Katsura informed on Friday Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Special Concerns and GRP Peace Panel Rafael Seguis and MILF chief for information and negotiator Mohagher Iqbal that Japan agreed to become ICG member.

Terms of reference

Under the Terms of Reference, the term International Contact Group (ICG) covers both states and NGOs that have formally joined the group. This contrasts with other groups (such as the EU, and OIC) that might join its activities without being formal members. The term “Parties” refers to GRP and MILF, and “Facilitator” refers to the Malaysian facilitation team.

The role of ICG is complementary to the existing facilitation mechanism and peace process architecture. Its role is in accordance with the Framework Agreement which it is ad-hoc in nature and issue-specific in its engagement and the ICG may give impartial advice to either party or both.

The ICG may accept tasking from the Facilitator, GRP or MILF as appropriate. The ICG acting as a group may issue public statements as appropriate, in writing, decided by consensus.

ICG members may review their commitment as appropriate. When a final peace agreement is reached, the ICG, Facilitator and Parties should review the nature of the ICG’s role and membership.

The Framework Agreement on the Formation of the ICG for the GRP-MILF peace process, which was forged on Sept. 15 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and immediately effective, topped the agenda items.  

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