Lomibao backs out of Congress race

DAGUPAN CITY , Philippines  – Land Transportation Office (LTO) chief Arturo Lomibao has decided not to pursue his congressional bid against Gina de Venecia for Pangasinan’s fourth district race in the 2010 polls.

Lomibao issued a statement yesterday around 3 p.m., copy of which was furnished The STAR, which reads in its opening statement: I have decided not to run as congressman for the fourth district of Pangasinan.

He said he has arrived at this decision after consultations with his leaders, family and friends.

In his statement addressed to his districtmates, he said,” This is a painful decision to make, knowing how tirelessly you worked for me, how unselfishly you sacrificed your time, effort and resources, and how steadfastly you believed in me, unmindful of my final decision.” 

“I know you were determined to stay with me until the day of the election, hoping that together, we will march onward to victory,” he said.

He said, in his consultations with various sectors – barangay leaders, senior citizens, the youth, farmers, transport, religious sectors to name a few, everyone had one common thing to say: We want change.

He said like them, he wants change. Having served in the executive branch of government for almost four decades, he said he wanted to try another avenue for change by running for Congress because he feels that as their representative, he can make a difference in their lives.


But he said there comes a point in time when decisions had to be made after making an assessment of one’s chances.

“Unfortunately, the avenue for change we call election, is rather dark and hazy. Thus, I have decided to forego with my intention to run and just concentrate on my work and my family,” he said. 

“They say that courage is not only having the will to fight but also the will to step back if need be,” he said. 

He quoted the Prayer of Serenity which said,” God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

He added he prays that the Lord will guide and protect the people as they move closer to election day.

He said he hopes that the candidates who will be chosen by the people will have the purity of intentions and nothing in their hearts but the interest and well-being of the people.

Former House Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. is now on his third and last term as congressman of Pangasinan fourth district.

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