No more food in Batanes

BASCO, Batanes , Philippines  – “There is no more food. Unless help is extended to us, we will start counting the dead on Monday!”

This is one of the frantic text messages received by this reporter from residents of the island-municipality of Itbayat, the country’s northernmost town, 35 nautical miles from here.

Sea travel to the island has been suspended by Coast Guard authorities the last two weeks due to rough seas.

The islanders postponed celebration of the feast of the town’s patron saint on Oct.6, for lack of rice to cook.

“We have some vegetables and root crops to survive on, but on a very limited scale,” said one of the messages received.

Still, another message received said: “Just as the National Power Corp. has reduced its operating hours to only four hours a day, we are now eating only once a day.”

Gov. Telesforo Castillejos, according to a member of his staff, has requested Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, chairman of the National Disaster Coordinating Council to dispatch a helicopter for a possible airdrop of rice in the beleaguered island-municipality.

“Considering the need for the same government asset in more seriously typhoon stricken areas, it is far-fetched to expect that help will come immediately,” said the staff member.

Rep. Carlo Diasnes, a native of the island could not be reached for comment.

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