Helicopter bearing Mar forced to land

MANILA, Philippines - A five-seater helicopter bearing Sen. Manuel Roxas II was forced to land on a ricefield in Arayat, Pampanga yesterday morning after encountering an hour of zero visibility and struggling to avoid clouds and Mt. Arayat. 

In a statement, Roxas’ office said the senator left the Manila Domestic Airport at around 8 a.m. aboard the private helicopter, which was expected to land at Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac some 40 minutes later.

But thick clouds due to the inclement weather obstructed the pilot’s view of the landing area. At around 9:30 a.m., the pilot, who was not identified, found an opening in the thick clouds and landed the aircraft safely on a ricefield in Barangay Arenas near Mt. Arayat.

Roxas’ office said a “good Samaritan,” resident Dennis Sula, helped the senator travel to Tarlac City, where he was scheduled to address graduates of the Tarlac State University. He arrived more than two hours late for the 9 a.m. graduation rites.

Roxas thanked the people who assisted him and his party on their safe landing, saying it “reinforces my faith in the Filipino.” – With Ric Sapnu

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