W. Visayas workers get P15 wage hike

BACOLOD CITY – Employers in Western Visayas have granted a P15 increase in the daily minimum wage of their workers who they said deserve a relief from the spiraling prices of basic commodities.

On Tuesday, the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board approved Wage Order No. 17 granting the increase in time for the Christmas season.

Regional labor director Aida Estabillo said most of the region’s workers will receive a minimum wage of P250 per day, adding that this will be added to the salary rate set for Region 6 through Wage Order No. 15 approved in November last year.

Under the new wage order, non-agriculture, industrial and commercial companies with more than 10 workers will have to pay a P250 daily rate, and those with less than 10 employees, P208 per day.

Plantation workers will receive a P218 daily wage and non-plantation workers, P208, according to the new wage order.

The order came following a petition for a P40 to P50 salary increase filed by the Philippine Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Workers Union-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines.

Wennie Sancho, labor representative to the regional wage board, said they accepted the P15 increase, as it was better than nothing.

“We will just have to cope,” Sancho said.

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