Police tracks down killer of nursing student

CAMP VICENTE LIM, Laguna ‑ Police are now tracking down the killer of a first-year nursing student who was found dead inside her room at the 3rd floor of Donasco Hospital, Barangay Paciano, Rizal, Calamba City,  on Sunday morning.

Police investigators said they identified already the killer of the victim  Julie Fernandez, a 17-year-old student of the Perpetual Help College in Paciano, Calamba City, however, they refused to name the killer  because the manhunt is still going on.

The body of Fernandez was discovered half naked with hands tied with her own blouse at her back at around 11:30 am by her relatives on Feb. 17.

Probers said Fernandez was last seen alive at about 12  midnight on Feb. 16 before she entered her room.

Investigators told The STAR, the victim’s relative was puzzled when Fernandez was not coming out from her room despite repeated call and knocking on the door, prompting them to call the building security guard Jomar Tabang, who forcibly opened the door and discovered the victim.

Investigators said Fernandez sustained stab wounds in the different parts of her body and probers believed that the victim knew the suspect because there was no forcible entry.

It was believed that the suspect tried to rape the victim, but, resisted prompting the suspect to stab her repeatedly, probers said.   – Ed Amoroso

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