Bersamin slay leader identified

One of the arrested suspects in the ambush-slaying of Abra Rep. Luis Bersamin and his police bodyguard in front of the Mt. Carmel church in Quezon City on Dec. 16, 2006 has identified the mastermind in the crime.

Former La Paz vice mayor Freddie Dupo made good his promise to reveal all what he knew about the murder of Bersamin and his police escort SPO1 Adelfo Ortega by giving his statement with regard to the case to police investigators inside his custodial cell in Camp Crame.

Dupo’s statement was taken recently in the presence of two lawyers of his own choice, one of them from the Public Assistance Office (PAO). “There were six people present when Dupo gave his statement. He is now fully cooperating with police investigators digging deeper into Bersa­min’s slay,” a police official told The Star.

In his statement, Dupo admitted his role in Bersamin’s ambush-slay. He also identified the mastermind, whom he said he met several times before The STAR source withheld the names of the mastermind and the role players in the twin murder.

Sunny Taculao, before the Quezon City regional trial court (RTC).

“Now that Dupo is singing like a canary, the Bersamin case is now considered solved. The mastermind would surely spend sleepless nights knowing too well that we have an airtight case against him because of Dupo’s confession,” a police investigator told The STAR.

Dupo made the confession several days after the camp of the alleged mastermind offered him a P2 million bribe to stop him from cooperating with police investigators in the Bersamin case.

“He (Dupo) completely turned his back against his former master. He is now showing remorse to what he had done in the past by giving justice to Bersamin and his family,” The STAR source added.

Dupo and Taculao were arrested in the mountains of Baras, Rizal months after the murder of Bersamin and Ortega. They yielded a caliber .45 pistol which the crime laboratory in Camp Crame listed as the same gun used in the Bersamin ambush-slay.

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