Philippines to protest doctor slur at 'Desperate Housewives' show

The Philippines is set to file a protest against an episode of the television series 'Desperate Housewives' for a slur made against Filipino doctors.

Malacañang, the Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Assocation are set to ask the producers of the hit TV show to explain an insulting line about medical schools in the Philippines.

The line was made by actress Terri Hatcher's character in the Season 4 premier episode.

Executive Eduardo Ermita said they would seek an apology from ABC network, which carries the show "in behalf of our Filipino professionals."

Meanwhile, Health Secretary Francisco Duque said the slur was both irresponsible and without basis while PMA president Dr. Jose Sabili said he will urge his counterpart in the US to demand an apology from the people behind the TV series.

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