4 Cotabato b’gay heads get police protection

COTABATO CITY – Authorities have sealed all entry and exit points in Mlang, North Cotabato to protect four barangay chairmen who have sought the disqualification of a gubernatorial candidate.

The four officials – Eduardo Laguyo, Eddie Perez, Raymundo Baculado, and Alejandro Cordero Jr., chairmen of the Mlang barangays of Luz Village, La Fortuna, Pag-asa and Buayan, respectively, have accused Roger Taliño of bribing them with hefty amounts to support his gubernatorial bid.

Taliño is running under the banner of President Arroyo’s Kabalikat ng Malayang Pilipino (Kampi) party.

Sources in the provincial office of the Commission on Elections in Kidapawan City confirmed having received the complaints against Taliño, supported by sworn statements from the four village officials.

Outgoing North Cotabato Gov. Emmanuel Piñol said he has asked the provincial police to secure the four complainants, who are now worried about their safety.

Reporters tried to reach Taliño for comment but failed.

The four barangay heads refused to elaborate on their move to seek Taliño’s disqualification, but said they felt insulted when he allegedly tried to bribe them in exchange for their support for his candidacy.

"What we are fighting for is a crusade, based on good principles," Perez told The Star.

Piñol said the provincial police would coordinate with the Comelec in giving protection to the four barangay officials, who have restrained themselves in their respective villages as they fear for their lives.

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