‘This is God’s miracle in Pampanga politics’

SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga – In what locals describe as unprecedented in Pampanga history, there has been an outpouring of support for priest-turned-gubernatorial bet Fr. Eddie Panlilio.

"This is God’s miracle working its way in Pampanga politics," said Rene Romero, president of the Advocacy for Development of Central Luzon.

Romero said so as volunteers attached white ribbons to vehicles that took part in yesterday’s six-kilometer motorcade that swept through several towns to endorse Panlilio’s candidacy.

The volunteers themselves took care of Panlilio’s campaign T-shirts, caps, posters and other paraphernalia – and the "EdMobile," a roofed white truck, which the priest boarded yesterday.

Panlilio is deemed as the "alternative" to "two evils" in the gubernatorial race – re-electionist Gov. Mark Lapid and provincial board member Lilia Pineda.

Lapid has been accused of anomalies in the collection of lahar sand quarrying fees, while Pineda is the wife of Rodolfo "Bong" Pineda, alleged to be a big-time gambling lord during the impeachment trial of former President Joseph Estrada.

The motorcade kicked off at 7:35 a.m. at Villa Sol subdivision in this capital city. At 10 a.m. yesterday, it stretched from Guagua town to Pineda’s hometown of Lubao where traffic enforcers reportedly tried to cut up the long line of white-ribboned vehicles, mostly sports utility vans.

The motorcade began with an Easter Sunday Mass at Villa Sol. Before giving the final blessings, the officiating priests allowed Panlilio to speak before the crowd.

With his right hand raised with a clenched fist, Among Ed, as his supporters fondly call him, sought support for his candidacy, saying, "This is for our province."

Romero said, "We are right to have a priest as a candidate. This is providential. No layman could muster this intensity of support based solely on volunteerism."

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