2-yr ban on fishpen operations imposed

ARINGAY, La Union — The mayor here ordered yesterday a two-year moratorium of fishpen operations along the Aringay River because of pollution brought by the excessive feeds and chemicals used for fish culture.

Mayor Teresita Ong directed the town’s police headed by Chief Inspector Robert Mesa to secure court order for the demolition of existing fishpen structures without permits. "We have to address this long time problem of small fisherfolks living along the river who are badly affected by the operations of fishpens mostly operated by outsiders," Ong told The STAR after conducting consultations with fishermen organizations, fishpen caretakers and operators.

Ong said her decision is for the good of the fishermen and their children who will be benefiting after two years when the river can recover from pollution and siltation. "The moratorium will protect the river and will help fishes to grow and increase. I heard the voices of the various concerned sectors and it is now time to strictly implement the law and the manifesto (moratorium) unanimously signed by barangay officials," Ong said. She said she is not favoring anybody but she has to do her job to properly implement the law including the municipal council ordinance on the moratorium of fishpen operations.

She said the fisherfolks are clamoring for the suspension of fishpen operations since 2000 because the river was already polluted and silted. Ong added that most of the fishpen operators are from Baguio City and Pangasinan and several politicians whom she did not name.

Roberto Mangaoang, chair of the Timek ti Mangngalap ti La Union, a fishermen’s group requesting for the suspension of fishpen operations, lauded Ong decision.

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