Vizcayanos to unveil giant RP flag today

ARITAO, Nueva Vizcaya — All roads lead to this province’s southern town today as thousands of people witness the unfurling of what is touted to be the world’s biggest flag.

"Today, this province will make history. Novo Vizcayanos are fortunate that they are not only witnesses but the actual protagonists in such a historic event which will surely catapult the province and its more than 300,000 inhabitants not only in the national limelight but in the international community as well," Gov. Luisa Lloren-Cuaresma said.

Cuaresma, along with Vice Gov. Jose Gambito and other provincial and town officials, will lead the unveiling of the giant Philippine flag, which is touted to be 30 percent bigger than America’s super flag, the Guinness world-record holder.

Grace Galindez-Gupana, one of the event’s financiers, said the giant Philippine flag — which measures 100 meters by 200 meters — will be unveiled on a two-hectare grassland atop Inordenan Hill in Barangay Bone South here at 7 a.m. today.

A six-wheeler truck transported the four-ton flag made of nylon fabric here from Manila yesterday.

"We will make history not only for the province and for Novo Vizcayanos but for our beloved country as well," said Gupana, of ABS Bitter Herbs, which shouldered the labor and material cost of making the giant flag.

Gupana, who hails from this province, said officials of the Guinness Book of World Records will witness the event.

The giant flag was sewn by 16 expert tailors and supervised by two known artists in Manila for almost a month.

Gupana said the giant flag will stay here for a week and will later be transported all the way to the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, California for the centennial celebration of the arrival of Filipino migrants in Hawaii.

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